PV-Project Abyssinia

The town of Mariakani is just under an hour outside Mombasa in Kenya. At the local steel producer Abyssinia, ecoligo implemented a PV system on the production roofs using the standardized solution from meteocontrol. The on-site installation was carried out by Spenomatic Solar Limited.

The Abyssinia Group is one of the largest steel producers in East Africa and supports the Kenya Vision 2030, which aims to transform the East African country into an emerging middle-income country by 2030. All citizens are to be offered a high quality of life in a clean and safe environment.

The plant in Mariakani has an installed capacity of around 3.3 MWp. meteocontrol provided a standardized zero feed-in solution based on a blue'Log XC, including sensors and monitoring in the VCOM Cloud. The delivery of hardware and software ensured that the project could be implemented quickly.

The system has been active since July 2023.  In the first few days of 2024 alone, almost 420,000 kWh of energy has already been generated.

System data

  • Location: Mariakani, Kenya
  • Installed capacity: 3.3 MWp
  • Completion: 2023


  • Monitoring VCOM Cloud
  • Sensors
  • Zero feed-in solution based on the blue'Log X series
  • Standardized solution

Source: ecoligo

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