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meteocontrol: power generation profiles for PPA projects

meteocontrol expands its service portfolio with system-specific generation profiles (8,760-hour profiles) of photovoltaic systems

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Forest fires in the Alps coloured the Milanese evening skyscape a deep red

More precise PV yield forecasts through taking account of aerosols

PermaStrom research project: KIT, DWD and meteocontrol investigate the impact of atmospheric aerosol particles on solar power production

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meteocontrol's blue’Log XC is certified for the Spanish market according to the Real Decreto (RD) 244/2019. PV self-consumption systems can now be legally connected to the Spanish power system.

blue’Log XC: eficacia y seguridad también en la red eléctrica española

El controlador blue’Log XC de meteocontrol obtiene el certificado según RD 244/2019 y cumple de ese modo los más estrictos requisitos para instalaciones fotovoltaicas de autoconsumo en España

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With a donation of 5,000 Euro to PRIMAKLIMA, meteocontrol GmbH supports a smallholder family in Nicaragua in the reforestation of a fallow area.

meteocontrol plants company forest

Trees for climate protection: meteocontrol supports reforestation in Nicaragua

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The audit provided evidence that meteocontrol's ISMS meets the requirements of DIN EN ISO/IEC 27001:2017

Certificación ISO/IEC 27001:2017 exitosa

La auditoría proporcionó pruebas de que el SGSI de meteocontrol cumple los requisitos de la norma DIN EN ISO/IEC 27001:2017.

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