
For more efficiency and transparency: meteocontrol and GP JOULE SERVICE cooperate on remote monitoring software

GP JOULE SERVICE is now using the VCOM Cloud monitoring tool from meteocontrol in its solar control room.

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Monitorización de plantas fotovoltaicas: importante compañía eléctrica colombiana apuesta por meteocontrol

Celsia S.A. y meteocontrol GmbH establecen para 2022, una alianza para Colombia y toda América Central. La empresa generadora de energía con sede en Colombia tiene previsto monitorear toda su cartera de plantas fotovoltaicas —— con el sistema VCOM Cloud de meteocontrol.

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Stijn Stevens is the new CTO at meteocontrol

Stijn Stevens presents himself as new CTO of meteocontrol GmbH at the Forum Neue Energiewelt and Intersolar 2021

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bird's eye view from a ship being stuck in a canal

Information on the global disruption of supply chains

Chip crisis, container bottlenecks, congestion in the Suez Canal and rising commodity prices – the COVID-19 pandemic has posed significant challenges for global supply relationships.

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Mauricio López: Head of Business Development and International Sales

El cambio estructural en meteocontrol impulsa el avance de la internacionalización

Mauricio López: Head of Business Development & International Sales en meteocontrol

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