
With a donation of 5,000 Euro to PRIMAKLIMA, meteocontrol GmbH supports a smallholder family in Nicaragua in the reforestation of a fallow area.

meteocontrol plants company forest

Trees for climate protection: meteocontrol supports reforestation in Nicaragua

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The audit provided evidence that meteocontrol's ISMS meets the requirements of DIN EN ISO/IEC 27001:2017

Certificazione ISO/IEC 27001:2017 di successo

L'audit ha fornito la prova che l'ISMS di meteocontrol soddisfa i requisiti della DIN EN ISO/IEC 27001:2017.

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meteocontrol e COVID-19


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Rouven Lenhart (meteocontrol AMEA DMCC, Managing Director, Business Development & International Sales) and Jonas Riexinger, (meteocontrol AMEA DMCC, Managing Director, Technics Division)

Nuova filiale di meteocontrol a Dubai

Monitoraggio e controllo di impianti fotovoltaici: meteocontrol porta avanti il suo piano di internazionalizzazione

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Robert Pfatischer (meteocontrol) presents the donation to Mr. Thomas Kleist (LICHTBLICKE e.V.)

Christmas donation to "LICHTBLICKE e.V."

The Christmas donation of meteocontrol is going to the organization "LICHTBLICKE e.V." that supports children who are suffering from cancer

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Contatto stampa meteocontrol: 