
From monitoring to management: meteocontrol presents new solutions for an efficient energy transition at Smarter E Europe 2023 to mark its 25th anniversary

With a strong commitment to innovation and quality, meteocontrol GmbH will showcase its comprehensive solutions and services at this year's Smarter E in Munich. Under the motto "Think Ahead", the globally operating company will present its latest solutions in the field of asset and energy management at booth B5.210. A…

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meteocontrol appoints Dr. Stijn Stevens to the management board

meteocontrol announces a change in management. Dr. Stijn Stevens, who has been part of the management of meteocontrol GmbH as Chief Technology Officer since 2021, has now been appointed Managing Director.

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meteocontrol Power Plant Controller (PPC) certified for Spain

In future, photovoltaic systems that feed into Spain’s power grid can be equipped with the meteocontrol Power Plant Controller (PPC).

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You click, we donate - meteocontrol's Click4Charity Rallye

This year, we decided to rather invest into charities instead of traditional end-of-year presents and cards.

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Fotovoltaico: Cosa devono sapere i gestori degli impianti sui nuovi requisiti per il Controllore Centrale di Impianto (CCI)

Il 1° dicembre* entrano in vigore in Italia le nuove regole per la connessione dei generatori di energia elettrica alla rete di media tensione. In questo articolo scoprirete di cosa dovete tenere conto come operatori e quali sono i requisiti di un controllore centrale di impianto al di là della gestione dell'immissione…

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