In our blog, we want to highlight future-relevant topics in the areas of pv monitoring and control systems, solar and renewable energies. This platform is intended to give an idea of new possibilities and developments and to offer the opportunity for stimulation and discussion.

Get an insight-perspective into our daily work and get to know the people working at meteocontrol. We also want to provide a platform for experts from different fields to present their views and use the blog as a forum for an exchange on relevant topics. Enjoy reading and browsing through our blog offer that will grow continuously. We are happy about your interest and participation.

September 14, 2021 | Stijn Stevens

Monitoring, Control and Big Data

 As an enthusiastic supporter of renewable energies, I am convinced that the PV sector is heading towards its heyday. The amount of solar energy that reaches the Earth day in, day out is remarkable and makes PV one of the most valuable and sustainable energy resources we currently have access to.

April 22, 2021

The day after tomorrow – what will the earth look like?

Our common goal is a livable and green future. To mark World Earth Day, we asked children of our colleagues how they imagine the world of the future. What are the things that concern future generations, what is important to them and how do they imagine the earth in the future?

March 23, 2021

Our Prognoses & Data Analytics team

The theme of the UN World Meteorological Day on 23rd of March this year is the ocean, our climate and weather. Until recently, the topic of climate change was always high on the public agenda. Currently, the Corona pandemic is understandably dominating the media landscape. But climate change will be a central and perhaps even the most important issue of the future globally.

March 10, 2021 | Tobias Knoblauch

#VCOM Tomorrow - Usability

We are all using software the whole day long. What tools do you typically like to use most? For me personally a very good usability is key. Thanks to my colleague Sebastian Matzke, who takes us with him on a little journey about usability.

March 03, 2021 | Tobias Knoblauch

#VCOM Tomorrow - The Future of Alarming and PV Monitoring

A great guest article from our product manager and cloud development expert @Fadhel Hachicha. Thanks a lot Fadhel for sharing these insights! What's coming soon? What are your new technologies and what does the future of photovoltaic monitoring look like?